They say, "Count your blessings to feel better. Show gratitude.". So, I am starting this new blog series, "Counting My blessings", where I'll write 10 things I am grateful for in each blog, hopefully, not repeating any. This is the first one and here I go.
1. I am grateful for my life.
2. I am grateful that I am 24 years old and still alive and breathing.
3. I am healthy.
4. I am happy that I have a full functional body.
5. I am grateful that I have eyes to see the world.
6. I am grateful to have ears that help me listen to music, that I love so much.
7. I am grateful that I have strong teeth that help me eat anything I want.
8. I am grateful for me legs that help me go anywhere I want to and can.
9. I am grateful for my hands that allows me to hold this phone.
10. I am grateful for my fingers that are typing into this blog, everything I am thinking.
I know I kept it a bit general and easy. It's the first blog and I wanted to keep it light Moreover, we are often so busy by the other, more complicated life problems, that we forget about the smaller things. But I happen to be a Mathematics student and Math says that life is all about balance. So, I keep this series balanced as long as I can and hope to delve into deeper blessings slowly too.
See you again in my next blog. Till then, take care, my sunflowers!🌻
P. S., I write blogs because I am a very lonely person. If you are reading this blog, either write a comment or send me an email. I shall reply as soon as possible.